What is Superstitianity?

Superstitianity is a blog, written by a Christian, with the purpose of exposing and correcting myths relating to Christianity.

Not every topic addressed in this blog is necessarily "superstitious"... some are just slight misunderstandings that people have about God, faith, Christianity, or the world as we know it.

I'm blessed that I was raised in a home where my parents truly loved God and demonstrated that love through their lives. But, as I've grown up, I've been trying to look at things more objectively, and see how the worldviews of others (both Christian and non) impact their decisions and actions, and so far it only serves to solidify my belief in the Bible. But my understanding of God has developed drastically over the last year or two, and I've had to do some "spring cleaning" and re-evaluate what I actually believe for myself.
This blog is my way of expressing some of the developments in my own faith, as well as exposing some beliefs that I've never held, but are worth mentioning.

I'm not a teacher; I'm more of a converser. I like to bounce ideas off of others, and talk things through together. As a result, I expect that most of what I say here will be copied and pasted excerpts from discussions I've had on other forums. It's mostly a way of organizing some of my thoughts and beliefs all in one place. But I'll try to format it in a way that doesn't require going somewhere else to grasp the context.

As I said, I like to discuss things, and while I don't enjoy being corrected, I certainly welcome it. Please feel free to comment. Just a warning, though; I'm much more receptive to gentle correction than I am to bitter arguments.