Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are All Sins Created Equal?

The Myth
All sins are equal.

The Reality
God never said that all sins are equal. I believe the point of confusion comes from where James 2:10 says that being guilty of any sin makes you a sinner, but that's not the same thing as saying all sins are the same. James is making the point that we are all guilty of sin and disobedience, regardless of whether we committed a tiny sin or a huge sin. Hopefully, nobody's going to say that telling a white lie is just as bad as bombing a school bus, even though both sins separate us from God.
1 John 5 even makes a distinction between sins leading to death and sins not leading to death.

Why It Matters
Some sins carry a lot more weight than other sins because of their impact. By making all sins equal, we are watering down the consequences that those sins carry. This is the same mindset that causes people to brush off their sins by saying, "Nobody's perfect."
Furthermore, recognizing the fact that there is a huge spectrum of small to large sins helps us to appreciate even more the fact that all sins are equal in terms of God's ability to forgive them.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! All sins are equal is a doctrine as bad
    In practice as judge not misunderstanding
    Which ends up with using any judment is
    Wrong. Rape is a superlust just as murder is
    A super hate. All who murder have some hate. So
    In my opinion some sins are a bunch put
    Together. All outside actions outside Of the love of Jesus is sin.
