Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Freedom from the Law?

The Myth
Christians frequently say things like "we are no longer under the law" and claim that we dont' really have to worry about obeying any rules or commandments. After all, we're saved by faith, not by works, right?

The Reality
As James said, faith without works is dead. So, while it's not our actions that save us, our actions MUST be present, because they are the outward evidence of our inward faith.
When the Bible talks about the freedom that comes from following God, we need to be clear on the definition of freedom being used. It's not "free to do as we please," but rather "free from judgment and condemnation."
It's freedom from the condemnation of being judged based on the law, not freedom from having to obey God. Christians are still required to obey God's commandments, but we are no longer condemned by our failures because God has bridged the gap.
Christians who say we are free and therefore don't have to obey any laws are like Americans who says we are in a free country and therefore don't have to obey laws.
Just as we live in a governed society, which requires laws, we also live under God, and he has rules for us, as well.

In a nutshell, it's freedom from condemnation, not from obligation.

Why It Matters
If we trick ourselves into believing that we don't have to obey God's commandments, then James tells us that our faith is dead. And, if it is truly by grace through faith that we are saved, then our we really saved if our "saving faith" is dead? That's like claiming that a dead lifeguard has the ability to come rescue us from drowning!
Jesus, John, James, and even Paul all make it clear that works are not optional; they are required! Nowhere in the Bible are any of God's commandments followed with "...unless you don't feel like it." Our obedience is the evidence of our salvation. If there is no evidence of our salvation, what right have we to assume that we are saved?

See also: 1 John 2:29, 1 John 3:10, James 1:22-24, 2:24&26. Paul doesn't address it in general terms like "works" and "righteousness" as much as he addresses it in specific terms like "don't have a hint of sexual immorality."


  1. One way I explain the issue of Christians and the law
    is through using the first of the List that God gave to Moses.
    Jesus is the lord our God. He is our master and we are his slaves!
    If Jesus is our owner then we own nothing outside of him.
    We must do what Jesus wants us to do moment by moment we are on
    His clock. Jesus is our law! To quote govenor Arnold S, " I am the Law! "
    Ok Chris here are two questions I have for you?
    Tithes? And Pastors? Do you find many superstitions around these two subjects? Both are large issues but you know I lean very organic!

  2. I addressed one misconception about pastors here:
    I don't subscribe to some of the George Barna/Frank Viola ideas about how pastors shouldn't be paid salaries or teaching in buildings, though.
    I haven't done enough research into the tithes subject to address it one way or the other at this point. Guess I'll check out the link you provided!
